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Experience the gentle healing power of Reiki

Springfield, MA   781-381-0037 (landline)

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a mind-body healing and meditation practice, which originated in early 20th century Japan. 


Reiki is currently offered in hospitals, hospices, clinics, and wellness centers across the world. Reiki practice promotes healing and balanced functioning on every level: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. 



what is Reiki?

Benefits of Reiki


Reiki restores balance to body, mind and spirit.


Reiki reduces pain and fatigue, and improves overall qualityof life. 


Reiki promotes emotional regulation, and it can bring relief from anxiety and fears. 

Benefits of Reiki
What is a Reiki session like?

What is a Reiki Session like?

- Reiki is a relaxation technique, which involves gently placing hands on a client’s body - head, shoulders, arms, hands, abdomen, knees, ankles, and feet. This light touch helps facilitate the body’s relaxation response. 


- Clients are fully clothed, and sessions are offered for various durations.


- Reiki can be given sitting on a chair, or lying on a massage table.


- Clients often fall asleep during the sessions, and they find Reiki treatments very calming and relaxing.




Radical Remission Coaching Client Reviews:
“Mana is a wonderful and caring Radical Remission Coach. She is very good at recommending relevant resources and is well read and knowledgeable about  strategies for dealing with cancer diagnoses and treatment. Mana is  intuitive in her approach to working with people and is able to discern one's needs and responds accordingly. Each strategy and recommendation she made for me was very helpful and collectively these have made a huge positive impact. Following our talks Mana sends a comprehensive summary about our session along with updated recommendations, resources, etc   I am most appreciative and highly recommend Mana for anyone facing this daunting cancer journey. ”

Diane G    Boston, MA

Contact Us

To schedule a Reiki or Health Coaching appointment, 
please call 781-381-0037 (landline)

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© 2022 by Living Water Reiki Wellness

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