The Full Story
Radical Remission Overview
Kelly Turner, PhD is the New York Times bestselling author of Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds. The book has been translated into 22 languages so far, and it summarizes her research into the radical remission of cancer. She holds a B.A. from Harvard University and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley.
Her new book, Radical Hope: 10 Key Healing Factors from Exceptional Survivors of Cancer & Other Diseases, is now available. This book also includes stories of the people who overcame other illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s, MS, and Lupus.

What is Radical Remission?
“Radical Remission” is a term that refers to remission that occurs either without conventional medical treatment, after conventional treatment has failed to work, or when conventional and complementary methods are used in conjunction to overcome a dire prognosis.
Neither Kelly Turner nor RRP are against conventional cancer treatment in any way; rather, Dr. Turner believes that we have something important to learn when someone heals from cancer in a statistically unlikely way, without conventional medicine, or after the conventional medicine has failed.
Over the past decade, Dr. Turner has conducted research in 10 different countries and analyzed over 1,500 cases of radical remission, in order to look for commonalities. During her research, she uncovered 75 different healing factors, 10 of which were common among ALL of her research subjects. In other words, not all of the RR survivors used all 75 factors, but they all used the top 10:

Radical Remission / Radical Hope 10 Healing Factors
Radically Changing Your Diet
Empowering Yourself
Following Your Intuition
Using Herbs and Supplements
Releasing Suppressed Emotions
Increasing Positive Emotions
Embracing Social Support
Deepening Your Spiritual Connection
Having Strong Reasons for Living
(Note: This is NOT in the order of importance)
This led to her dissertation - A peer-reviewed scientific journal article, which eventually became the NY Times bestselling book Radical Remission.
Note: Radical Remission, as a research project, does not offer any guarantees of remission or healing from using the 10 key factors. These Healing Factors are HYPOTHESES ONLY.
While a foolproof cure is not offered, countless experiences and practices can be found to help people in their search for healing. Additionally, separate scientific studies have shown that these 10 factors significantly strengthen our immune system, which is helpful when people are facing cancer, or trying to prevent cancer or another disease.
The books and the Radical Remission Project website are important tools for research and study, as well as ways to connect those experiencing health issues with stories of those who have overcome them.
Therefore, applying these 10 factors into our lives cannot hurt us - Rather, it will strengthen our immune system. The only factor that should be practiced under the guidance of a health professional in order to ensure safety is “Taking Herbs and Supplements”, because it is highly personalized.
Dr. Turner also developed the Radical Remission Docuseries that covered each of the 10 healing factors from her research, and features many of the Radical Remission survivors from the book. This docuseries aired in March 2020, and plans to air again in the future.
For more information, please visit: https://radicalremission.com/

Harvard Launches Study on Radical Remission
We are thrilled to announce that researchers at Harvard have officially launched a pilot study to analyze the benefits of the Radical Remission workshop and online course for cancer patients. Specifically, the research study will look at the impact the workshop/online course may have on patients’ quality of life and dietary habits.
This study has been approved by the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Institutional Review Board.
What this means:
• Cancer patients who sign up for either an in-person workshop or our online course will now have the option to complete a set of online surveys before, one month after, and six months after the workshop or course.
• The team of Harvard researchers will then analyze the completed surveys to determine the impact of the 10 Radical Remission healing factors on the quality of life and dietary habits of study participants.
• Results from this pilot study will be submitted for publication. If we find positive impact of the 10 healing factors, we hope to apply for larger grants to fund a randomized, controlled trial, which will study the impact of the nine healing factors in more depth. Stay tuned!